All systems are operational

Past Incidents

3rd February 2023

No incidents reported

2nd February 2023

No incidents reported

1st February 2023

No incidents reported

31st January 2023

No incidents reported

30th January 2023

No incidents reported

29th January 2023

No incidents reported

28th January 2023

No incidents reported

27th January 2023

No incidents reported

26th January 2023

No incidents reported

25th January 2023

No incidents reported

24th January 2023

No incidents reported

23rd January 2023

No incidents reported

22nd January 2023

No incidents reported

21st January 2023

No incidents reported

20th January 2023

No incidents reported

19th January 2023

Network Status Network reachability issue on one of our Subnet

We have observed network reachability issue from few ISPs to one of our subnet which is in our Delhi(NCR) region. Our Team has identified the issue and changed the Network Backbone.

The issues was reported at 4.48 PM & resolved at 5.05 PM

Please reach out to if you have any issues reaching to our network.

18th January 2023

No incidents reported

17th January 2023

No incidents reported

16th January 2023

No incidents reported

15th January 2023

No incidents reported

14th January 2023

No incidents reported

13th January 2023

No incidents reported

12th January 2023

No incidents reported

11th January 2023

Billing Issues while making the payment via myaccount

We have observed that our payment vendor site (Razorpay - is down due to which you may experience issues in making payment. We are following up with our vendor for the same and will keep updated.

  • The issue from Razorpay end has been fixed and the payment service is active now.

  • 10th January 2023

    No incidents reported

    9th January 2023

    No incidents reported

    8th January 2023

    No incidents reported

    7th January 2023

    No incidents reported

    6th January 2023

    No incidents reported

    5th January 2023

    No incidents reported