All systems are operational

Past Incidents

9th January 2022

No incidents reported

8th January 2022

No incidents reported

7th January 2022

No incidents reported

6th January 2022

No incidents reported

5th January 2022

No incidents reported

4th January 2022

No incidents reported

3rd January 2022

No incidents reported

2nd January 2022

No incidents reported

1st January 2022

No incidents reported

31st December 2021

No incidents reported

30th December 2021

No incidents reported

29th December 2021

No incidents reported

28th December 2021

No incidents reported

27th December 2021

No incidents reported

26th December 2021

No incidents reported

25th December 2021

No incidents reported

24th December 2021

Network Status Reachability issue with Delhi(NCR) Zone Virtual Machines

Issue in accessing the virtual machines in Delhi(NCR) region over the network has been observed and we are investigating it currently. We will keep you posted on further findings.

  • The issue has been identified and rectified.

  • 23rd December 2021

    No incidents reported

    22nd December 2021

    No incidents reported

    21st December 2021

    No incidents reported

    20th December 2021

    No incidents reported

    19th December 2021

    No incidents reported

    18th December 2021

    No incidents reported

    17th December 2021

    No incidents reported

    16th December 2021

    No incidents reported

    15th December 2021

    No incidents reported

    14th December 2021

    No incidents reported

    13th December 2021

    No incidents reported

    12th December 2021

    No incidents reported

    11th December 2021

    No incidents reported